Door Step School Foundation

Networking and Nurturing

Reach and share, learn and teach, collaborate -network to nurture the future!

Started in 2018, Project Networking and Nurturing aims to network with non-profit organizations,child-care institutes, volunteer groups, and individuals who are working with the children, and help them build their capacity by sharing DSS methodologies so as to reach more children to achieve foundational literacy and continue in mainstream education.

Children practicing letters in mud at Amravati brick kiln


NGO's Reached


NGO Team Member Trained


Children Benefitted

An estimated 15 Cr children are still out of the formal education system (link), most of them from underprivileged, marginalized communities. The challenges of children dropping out of school post enrollment and thus not reaching expected learning levels glare at us. The Covid-19 pandemic worsened the situation, forcing children out of school resulting in learning losses.

There have been efforts from the Government bringing educational policies to ease the situation. Many non-profit organizations, individuals concerned about the cause, and volunteer groups also work with the communities at grass-roots level, though the efforts are scattered and there are many challenges.

DSS has been working with the children from urban-poor and migrant communities since 1989. Applying the learnings from this experience, DSS has developed proven teaching and monitoring and evaluation methods and designed training modules to help children gain functional literacy. These structured methods help children learn easily and the team can monitor progress of their learning. We have created teaching-learning material, graded books, supplementary reading material, teachers’ manuals, and reporting & monitoring mechanisms. These go a long way in maintaining the quality of teaching and learning we impart.

Project Networking and Nurturing was conceptualized to bring the two together. With the tested DSS methodologies, the nonprofits and volunteer groups can reach out to more children in a structured manner to achieve foundational literacy. 

The Project Aims :

  • To build the capacity of NGOs (management, supervisors, and teachers) on DSS teaching and learning pedagogy.  
  • To create multiple working models for NGOs and volunteer groups based on the type of communities.

We aim to ensure that the NGOs we work with can carry our training forward through their work and teach children themselves. For this, DSSF plays a dual role.

As a resource organization, we share our teaching methodology, pedagogy, tools, and best practices. As a training organization, we follow a detailed, graded, interactive strategy to build their capacity and skills.

We offer a flexible training /learning framework to the interested NGOs and volunteer groups which they can customize to their local situation, and handhold and follow-up during the entire process so that the outcomes are lasting.

Map of Reach


If you would like to support us in this project - Donate here

If you are a non-profit / volunteer group interested in the project, we request you to write to

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